Sunday, August 26, 2007

Henry Ford

A Henry Ford portrait in 1919

soruce: Wikipedia, Henry Ford

This is Henry Ford, the man who brought us the Ford Motors company. An Americian, he was born in the States, 1963. Due to his intelliegence and his thirst to find a way for humanity to gain a better life, he, with his mind, created and mass produced automobiles to help people with their life. Henry Ford thought of mass producing cars so it can be better for some. His automobiles was quickly sold and was a record for a invention during that time. He continued to build more cars, and his company is probably the oldest car company known today. The reason why he was important is because probably, he created cars for people to have a better and quick life. He was also known as the oldest car company creator and his ideas still lives on today....the evidence is the cars driving all around us in the present. He was also not greedy and his company made people have jobs to do. During 1929, his Ford Model A sold well just like his previous models and it was the first Ford to have parking brakes and the wheels. Sales for this model erupted since it was a good one and Henry Ford sold this car very well. His Car still lives on today, running around everywhere.

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