Saturday, November 17, 2007

My Conclusions

After i seen all the posters, if i had been born at that time, i might've been impressed with the way the Soviet people are trying to support their leaders. It seems that Russia is really serious with how they are ruled and how they are going towards the future partially because they don't want history to repeat itself (the Tsar incident). It shows that Russia is not a country to be afraid of showing its support and how they think. I think the Russian people are a very powerful group of people and if anything good comes along, they will take it to survive....who wouldn't if at that time, it was a matter of life or death?
The use of Propaganda was also useful, it convey messages correctly and made people change the way they think because that is what propaganda is. After i seen the posters, i think propaganda is a force to be reckon with and that it is very powerful, and the example of it can be seen currently today, in advertising and marketing. So overall, Propanganda is a powerful way of changing the way people think, do, or see.

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