Saturday, November 17, 2007

My Conclusions

After i seen all the posters, if i had been born at that time, i might've been impressed with the way the Soviet people are trying to support their leaders. It seems that Russia is really serious with how they are ruled and how they are going towards the future partially because they don't want history to repeat itself (the Tsar incident). It shows that Russia is not a country to be afraid of showing its support and how they think. I think the Russian people are a very powerful group of people and if anything good comes along, they will take it to survive....who wouldn't if at that time, it was a matter of life or death?
The use of Propaganda was also useful, it convey messages correctly and made people change the way they think because that is what propaganda is. After i seen the posters, i think propaganda is a force to be reckon with and that it is very powerful, and the example of it can be seen currently today, in advertising and marketing. So overall, Propanganda is a powerful way of changing the way people think, do, or see.

Stalin's promise

Stalin is featured in this poster. Similar to the Lenin posters, the Stalin poster represent his cunning, strength, and integrity. The message that the poster is trying to send is that Stalin will do a good job, will unite the country, and keep peace at all times. The poster obviously wanted people to believe and have good faith in Stalin, as well as showing and promising that Stalin will make the country better. The poster conveys its message by showing Russian people gathering all around (possibly united), showing red colors are a official symbol for the Soviet Union and for the strength of Stalin, and showing a text that says "Stalin will make peace for this country". This poster is partly effective because it makes people interested in what Stalin can do for his country but then after a series of nasty incidents like sending people to Gulags, it didn't convinced people anymore. But nevertheless, it was a good poster, convincing people to join the cause and to unite together, under the leadership of Joseph Stalin.

Let's Keep up the Technology progress

This is a picture showing a man doing farming. But the writings says Technology. This poster meant to say that the Soviet Union's technology is not working and that they have to keep up the pace of technology. This picture was probably proposed when Joseph Stalin made his speech that the Soviet Union will lose to the West if their techonology weren't up to the This poster urges the people of the Soviet Union to keep up and to improve the techonlogy or there will be no further improvements and there will be consequences for everybody. The image conveyed its meanings secretly, but the text says it all. This poster was effective because it made the Soviet Union greatly active in making their technology better, and advanced far better than other countries, even if the other countries got a head start. It also made the economy of the Soviet Union very good so this poster was a stepping stone for the improvements so overall, i have to say that this poster is a powerful one.

The Future belongs to Communism

This is another poster that supports Lenin. It also supports the idea of Communism, because the writings on it says "The future belongs to Communism". This poster obviously wanted people to support Communism, as well as support Lenin because he imposed the idea on Russia. It also wanted people to think that Communism is a way to continue the lives of people today because it is the only idea that can help them right this moment. Once again , the poster used red colors to symbolize strength, because it wanted to say that Lenin and Communism represents Strength. The poster was particulary effective because it made almost everybody in the Soviet Union think along with Lenin and they embraced Communism as their political structure, for the future.

Worker's commitment

This poster shows a Barley stalk, a sickle, and a hammer lying side by side. The message of the poster says that the Soviet Union is depending on the workers. In reality, it makes people think that workers are all responsible for the creation of a great nation so it makes people think that its okay to pressure the workers. Truthfully, the conditions for workers didn't improve at all since the Tsar's (Nicolas the II) rule. In the period of Stalin's rule, he made sure that the workers follow the collectivization plan. The image conveys its message by the picture and the background, showing that the working is shaping the unseen future. The poster is effective because it leads to people believing and urging the workers to work hard. It also makes the worker commited to work for their country

Joseph Stalin in good light

Here's a picture of Jospeh Stalin. The picture shows somebody holding a picture of Stalin and a flower in his/her hands. The message of the poster is that it shows Stalin in a great status, and shows that people right now are respecting him and the poster wants people to respect Stalin too. No doubt the poster was made by Stalin's supporters, because at that time people did respected him but distrusted him too. I think this poster also wanted people to support Stalin more. The poster convey its message by showing Stalin in a good light and it may make people feel heart warming about this heart rendering picture (well maybe not everyone).

A Poster of Lenin

This is a poster of Lenin, he is seen in a star and a message is etched in the star. I think the message tells us that Lenin is a great leader and that we should vote for him if Russian was to stay a strong country. This poster might tell the people of Russia to vote for Lenin, follow his ideas, or be part of Lenin's group. It conveys its message by showing that Lenin is powerful (notice the red color, it symbolizes strength). This poster is effective because it shows Lenin in a glory like state and the star says it all (that he will acheive glory beyond).

Russian Propaganda

(a example of a propaganda poster)
The Russian Revolution was a tragic incident prompting Russian to change its political structure. From a long standing Absolute Monarchy type of ruling, it became a long standing Communist government in no time. At that time, during 1917 to the death of Joseph Stalin, their Communist leader, the Russian had been divided into sides. The use of Propaganda started. A propaganda is a use of using a set of images aimed at influencing the thinking of a individual or a group of large number of people. It also influence opinions and behaviours of people.
Most of the time, propangandas are always true but sometimes the images are often exaggerated for personal benefit. Propagandas are also used for marketing and advertising but the propaganda type i'm talking about isn't for marketing. During this time period (1917 to the death of Stalin), the Russians began using propaganda to support political leaders and such. It was a method to gain popularity and trust from people and many political people used it for their own benefit. People like Lenin and Stalin used it to make themselves stand out. Seeing propagation posters can help us see how people from the past used it to make themselves rise to the top and we can see how people can believe. So now, let's see the propaganda posters.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Scientific Discoveries of the 20s

Scientific Discoveries
A picture of the universe expanding
soruce: Wikipedia, Scientific discoveries of the 20s

Let's See, there some experiments going on and happening around the 20s. Whether its insulin or Penicillin, there was some discoveries. Most notably, was the Big Bang Theory from a brilliant scientist. Other than this, there was the Wave mechanics, the Schrodinger equations, and the uncertainly principles, by Werner Heisenberg. Also, Albert Einstein at that time wins his Nobel Prize for the photo electric effect, a effect stated in books today, and Niels Bohr wins the Prize too for the atomic theory (which you can guess, a theory about the future atomic bomb). Also, the theory of behavorism by John B. Watson was accredited by many professionals and taught at school. I think these creations were powerful back then. For instance, the medicine called insulin and penicillin was very important for those who was sick. However, Einstein's theory and Niels's theory was troublesome cause it will lead to the atomic bomb being created and that atomic theory may have killed lots of people in Japan in the 40s. So, some discoveries are good and some are bad....but its worth discovering something to shape the future and lives of the world as we know it....

A Famous Musician

A picture of Louis Armstrong blowing a trumpet

source: Wikipedia, Louis Armstrong

Louis Armstrong

Louis Armstrong was a great musician and he was very well known by many people. Also known as Satchmo and Pops, he was a american jazz musician and a influential charismatic performer who inspired the jazz music today. His time was during the Roaring Twenties and he had played since that time and was very popular. He was one of the most famous musician of the 20th century and played various musical instruments. The reason why he was important was that the build a future for jazzists and his music inspired many as said. Many songs today is played by Louis and his songs are deemed legendary. His skills at playing the trumpet was somewhat incredible and created or invented the solo jazz parts, where he said people can play solo well. Although he died of a heart attack, his legendary music and himself still lives on today. There was even a airport named after him in New Orleans, meaning that people do really love him and he won't die out through the ages.

Check out Louis Armstrong Songs at:

Famous Piece of Art during the Roaring Twenties

The Roaring Twenties was a period of Literature, Music....and of course, Art. Art was quite kinda popular with the peoples in the twenties and often, they auction art for sale and there were important artists back then. Here is a piece of art, created by thee well known artist named Pablo Piccasso, who suprisingly, lived back in the Roaring Twenties.

Pablo's Oil Painting, called " The three Dancers", was a amazing piece of art, and is a Expressionist work of art. I think this piece of Art may fetch millions and millions and millions of dollars because of the neat, oil painting. This picture may infer to us that the people during the 20s like to express they already did by singing like mad and party all night. It also may say that people are beginning to speak for themselves and that Pablo may think that Ladies have to have more rights by painting this or maybe i'm mistaken....but anyway, its a great painting and surely people would put it in a mueseum for all to see.

Al Capone

A picture of Al Capone, also known as Alphonse Calpone
Source: Wikipedia, Al Capone
Alphonse Calpone, or formely known or known as Al Capone, was a American crime boss during the 20s. He was notorious and was known for his expertise in crime, drug dealings, and weapon dealings. Al Capone was also noted for his trickery, meaning he never says anything true, except to his underlings. Although he was not a good guy, he should be remembered to tell everyone not to be like him, or else the world would be in a bad shape. The reason why he was important is because he was once a crime lord that was powerful and those who stand in his way would be gundowned or even murdered brutally. I don't think its good but he should be worth noted as a person in the 20s. He was born in 1899, to Italian imigrants. his crime family was called the Chicago Outfit, where he was powerful there. If he was a good guy, he may want to use his street smarts to help people and do good, since working as a crime boss isn't that good, as he was responsible for killing innocent people, which is why he must be noted for his actions.

Henry Ford

A Henry Ford portrait in 1919

soruce: Wikipedia, Henry Ford

This is Henry Ford, the man who brought us the Ford Motors company. An Americian, he was born in the States, 1963. Due to his intelliegence and his thirst to find a way for humanity to gain a better life, he, with his mind, created and mass produced automobiles to help people with their life. Henry Ford thought of mass producing cars so it can be better for some. His automobiles was quickly sold and was a record for a invention during that time. He continued to build more cars, and his company is probably the oldest car company known today. The reason why he was important is because probably, he created cars for people to have a better and quick life. He was also known as the oldest car company creator and his ideas still lives on today....the evidence is the cars driving all around us in the present. He was also not greedy and his company made people have jobs to do. During 1929, his Ford Model A sold well just like his previous models and it was the first Ford to have parking brakes and the wheels. Sales for this model erupted since it was a good one and Henry Ford sold this car very well. His Car still lives on today, running around everywhere.

Benito Mussolini

A picture of Mussolini when he was in power
Source: Wikipedia, Benito Mussolini
His name was Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini. He was born July 29, 1883, in a small province in Italy. You may recognize him as being Italy's leader during the World War II period. But we're not focusing on that. Instead, we will focus on how he gained and got power and how he made Italy a Fascist country.
Benito was kind of fascinated with power since he was a kid. He wasn't a role model but got good grades in school.First, he wasn't interested in politics but however, due to his unwavering power for conquest, he first joined a Socialist Party in Italy and then somehow later, he was evicted from a seat in the Socialist party and joined a Fascist party. After that, he rapidly gained power and finally, he had gain enough supporters to win votes and he was elected into a prime minister and was also the youngest prime minister elected in Italy. However, nasty events happened after he became a prime minister and no one was allowed to speak aganist He then formed an alliance of Fascists guys to join him in his quest for domination. His power over his country would serve as an example for Adolf Hitler, who was at that time, destined for power. Benito would later play a part in the Second World War and shape Italy's future....and the reason why he is important is because he will shape the future and his decision will be both lethal and both good for everyone.
So, get more info on Benito Mussolini by reading other blogs, made by those guys with ris2007 stuck to their name. Believe me, he's important.

The Important People of the 20s

Okay Folks, we're here at the people columm. You may be interested why we have to talk about peoples but however, people serve as a important addition to why and how it happened. We will now venture into the realms of what do they do at that time. Enjoy the facts!!!!!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Technological Improvements: Some of the Things

The Technological Improvements of the 1920s varies. From the first insulin created to the first sound movie, there has been lots of things. First of all, let's talk about my choice of inventions. First off, let's start with the TV. Everybody likes TV and it is invented in around this time, possibly about 1925 or longer. At first, people thought there were no such things until John Logie Baird tried to do images on the transmittor of the first TVs. Then, TV was born, with various shapes and sizes and it was expensive back then. This shows that the world is shaping into what is going on today.

Next, it was a first movie with sound. Back then, there was no sound movies but then people wanted to modernize and started to create a movie with dialogue and sound and thus, the first sound movie was created by none other than Warner Brothers, a popular studio still known today. As a result of the first movie created, the future has a movie to watch and to create.

Then lastly, after World War I, people began to modify their airplanes more. Airplanes usually runs out of fuel very soon and soon they mod it to fly longer and better. Aviation started to improve much then but since the World War I, it had improved already. A proof of this is that a man called Charles Lindbergh flew solo over the Atlantic Ocean. That means the plane or aircraft is advanced enough to fly for long. Although people don't know it, this age to the 30s was the most technological advancement in the 20th century, according to some.

So, Technology did happen back then and people were at no rest and wanted to find out more about the secrets of life....

Important Technological Improvements of the 1920s

At that time, there was less technology, unless you can count tanks and airplanes and radioes. In about that time, things gradually began to pop up one by one and i'll tell you about some things.

The Harlem Renaissance Event or the Jazz Age Event

The Harlem Renaissance Event and the Jazz Age
This picture shows how the Roaring Twenties were. The Roaring Twenties was a jublilant time and the events such as the Harlem Renaissance Event and the Jazz Age happenend and people were happy anyways if it was just a brief period. The main reason why the Twenties were called the Roaring Twenties is because it was a up and down period in time. And Also, it was the period where music started to become popular with people in America. The Harlem Renaissance began in Harlem, New York City, and made the African America literature, art, and other stuff to flower in the States. Hence, everyone started to like music and to keep their minds off of World War I and other terrible stuff, they started to approach music more. People who can play music is considered fantastic. I think this is a important event because it is the beginning of music in the U.S. and without this event, there would be no fun music present. It also give something to wonder about, rather than wondering about war but sadly, the Jazz Age's popularity began to lower its popularity in the 30s and onwards, due to the world war. Also, the Harlem Renaissance made Black People gain some rights if little but it is good for them. They also get jobs to do and get wages. The Jazz Age, was as people said, one of the most interesting period and it gave birth to many talented musician known to people today.
source: Wikipedia: Harlem Renaissance, The Jazz Age Picture, Google.

Wall Street Crash of 1929 or A.K.A. Stock Market Crash

This is a picture showing a crowd gathering on Wall Street in New York City in 1929, October 24th.
source: Wikipedia, Wall Street Crash of 1929 section

This is the Wall Street Crash of 1929. It happened in 1929, October 24th and people sometimes regarded it as the beginning of the Great Depression or the roots of the Great Depression. It is a important event because it had created panic because people had thought that it won't happen. It was, as stated, a part of the many reasons why the Great Depression had started in the world. According to a man named Richard M. Salsman, he said that buying stocks in the mid 1929 and held on to them saw most f his adult life pass by before getting back to even. That means it was hard for stockbrokers to work while the stocks are falling up and down. However, this important event had became the starting point of important financial reforms and trading regulations so i think its included in the important part. But it also made long-lasting consequences for the United States.

Important Events: Great Depression

A portrait of a pea picker during the time the Great Depression hit the world.
It decipits how hard life is during the time in 1929 when it began. But however this picture is in the 30s but it began in the late 20s.
Source: Wikipedia, Great Depression section

Following the Stock Market Crash on October 29th, 1929, the Great Depression has begun and is a swift but noticable event, which made everyone depressed, as its name suggests. The Great Depression was responsible for many later events and it leds to partly debt for many countries, arguments, and eventually the Second World War. I think this was a important event in my decade because it all started in that year 1929 and became one of the most infamous event in the history of mankind. Not only did it made many people starve to death, it created debts and led to the ulimate World War 2. It also went on for many years and made liberal defense weakened, causing many guys like Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Benito Mussolini gain major gains.

Important Events of 1920-1929

During the 20s, there were many depressing things and maybe even good things but mostly it is a period of great sadness. People were torn by the First World War, or the great war as they call it, and people tried to live a normal life. Of course, to not deepened the great whole wide depression, people have found a way to include fun and laugther. People, trying to exclude the unhappiness, created the phrase "The Roaring Twenties" and yeah, it is the roaring twenties because it was the age of music and jazz and more music. But something more sinister lurks between the happiness. Although, World War I was finished, there was no guarantee that the world was in peace. The Scars from the past will catch up and this blog will give you some info or overview on the 20s, an age of temporary peace.....

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Roaring Twenties

The Roaring Twenties was a period that many historians and people reflect as a period of a great time. People like us at that time was having the time of their lives and partying all night long. This age was the beginning of alot of things, such as the atomic theory by Einstein, the famous beginning of playings by Louis Armstrong, and the time of night clubs and the Harlem Renassiance. This period of time was a interesting period, it also included the beginning of the Great Depression and also the period of the Jazz Age, when people took to music literally. Also, Books and Literature was a hit. The Roaring Twenties was called the Roaring Twenties because it was a roaring time for partying and having fun and people seem to have fun everyday. But however, these great days don't last for long. My blog is going to tell you about some of the things in the Roaring Twenties, just to give an overview of it. Enjoy!